Saturday, December 27, 2014

Putting 'Christ' Back into CHRISTmas

I sincerely hope to be blogging must more over the next couple of weeks given I'm on Holidays. But for now I feel I must to a (n obligatory) Christmas post.

I felt more than ever a massive Grinch in the lead up to Christmas this year. I whinged loudly at the (hugely) obnoxious people who pushed in line at the car parks, (actually just at anyone in car parks in general, I have decided that before people get their licence they should be required to pass a driving etiquette exam.) Anyway, I hate Christmas music with a passion, (I pity anyone who works in retail over the Christmas season) and I left my present wrapping til the last minute. 

In fact I uttered those dreaded words this year " I. Hate. Christmas." I was with my friend at the time. He replied "But you're a Christian..?" 

Let me explain I hate the commercialism of Christmas, I hate that the billions of dollars spent every year could cut world poverty in half, I hate Christmas 'music' (note: not carols), I hate car parks (as I've mentioned), I'm not a big fan of the colour scheme, I hate that thousands of people every year miss the point.
I really hate the nonchalant secularism of it all "Happy whatever-you-celebrate" It's right there in the title 'Christ', Christ that what we're celebrating.

Obviously there are things I love about Christmas; Family, going to church, Christmas lights, descants, the opportunity to talk unashamedly about Jesus, and gingerbread.

But really I think that Christmas is all about gifts. (Stay with me here.) I know I said that I hate the commercialism of Christmas. However, there is a very big difference between buying a thoughtful/practical gift for someone you love, and buying $X worth of baubles/tinsel/decorations/ wrapping paper/cards etc that will get thrown away on December 26th.

I love gifts, I really love gifts (I'm such a child..) But not only receiving gifts obviously but giving gifts, things that I know people will love and use. I love making gifts and that rather selfishly satisfying feeling when someone says 'How'd you make that?'

But all that aside Christmas really is about gifts. It's about The Gift. Jesus. God send His son into the world as a human. Just think about that for a second, the awesomeness of God stuffed into the body of a tiny baby. A baby that would ultimaltly restorethe whole of humanity to God. 

How truly awesome!

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