Sunday, August 10, 2014

Alive in five?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?


Unhelpful answers aside I got asked this question at bible study this week, and I have been praying for time to think about my future. So here we go:

I suppose the only thing that I've thought seriously about in thinking about the next  5 years is I want to be out of my parents house. Don't get me wrong I love my parents very dearly, but in five years I'll be 27 and really I don't still want to be living at home. Also I've made a promise to myself that I'll be out of my suburb by the time the train line comes though. (My suburb is getting a train line, that is meant to be done by 2020) So I'll be very disappointed in myself if I'm still living at home by that stage.

So in five years I'll be 27, it'll be 2019 and I would have finished my degree three years ago.

The most important thing to mention is that I want to be serving God; somewhere, anywhere. 
Whether in a church, paid, unpaid, as a missionary, overseas, here, where ever, however. 

That aside ideally I would be working full time making money off my photography. 

Here's the big dream (this is crazy scary to be even typing down): To be living somewhere in the northern territory (I loved the NT as a kid and would relish the chance to go back), maybe working as a missionary, or involved in the local aboriginal church. and to be taking the most amazing landscape photography on the side to be supporting myself.

So yeah that's enough big scary future thinking for now. 

(to future me: 'don't laugh too hard when you read this' - I'm sure God has bigger plans )

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