Currently sitting in my Philosophy class (yay ..... not). Yes you read that right I'm doing a photography and one of my subject for this term is philosophy. Joy! ....-_-
In all seriousness though I'm not too bummed about the subject. It could be very interesting, it just totally not what I expected from a subject titled 'ideas and thought'. I am acutely aware of how much of a challenge this could be for me as a Christian. I stepped out of my first class last week so disheartened and depressed, I knew then that this would not be easy. That is such a feeling of Godlessness in this room, like everyone is missing the whole point. It's all about making argument and thinking deeply. I had thought originally that this subjsect would give me cause to doubt my faith but I'm finding that in actuall fact it will give me strength. My class mates as far as I can see are not grounded in anything. How can you pass though life without think that there must be something bigger than yourself.
St Augustine claimed that first you must believe than you can explore to understand. But I don't think that this is true, sure I mean blind faith can be a beautiful thing is some senses but in reality it is stupid. You must have some knowledge in order to believe and I think that the church has come a long way in allowing those that want knowledge the ability to question and seek knowledge (and if not I would have been kicked out along time ago)
Blogging while watching this pointless video that is meant to show us what the monasteries looked like in the middle ages, but really it's boring me to tears (not literally) and I think the lecture had nothing better to do for the last 20 min of class....
bored bored bored
oh yay class is over!
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