Friday, March 21, 2014

Je Voudrais ........

 I have done this twice before and I thought it would be an interesting exercise to do again. About four year ago I answered this question on my private blog. The question is: "What do I want?"
This was written some time in the first half on 2010.
I want:

 My friends to become Christians, My Nana to get better, More guy friends, Just more friends, An SLR, A graphics tablet, A mini laptop like the one Audrey has, More music, For the tension in my extended family to go away, My Ps, A new job, To be more certain about the future, My Fridge girls to listen more, For the underlying tension in my group to go away, My drama teacher to stop being a cow, To be better organised/motivated, Better marks, More time, More money.

Well lets analyse this:
- None of my friends have become Christians,
- My Nana did get better that time but unfortunately passed away in July 2013,
- I started uni at the start of the year and I have made some new friends. 
- I do have an SLR It's a Nikon D80 her name is Maggie and I bought her for my course. 
- I did have a graphics tablet but it no longer works :(
- I have moved beyond the 'mini laptop' - see here.
- Fia did give me a couple of gigs of Christian music last year :) 
- About my etended family *sigh who knows but there have been two new additions in my family since then. My cousin had two children; a boy and a girl. :)
- I'm on my green P's  and have 6 months left til i'm on my blacks.
- Ah my fridge girls, :'( possiably one of the hardest things that happened over the last year, the girls that I had at the time of writing this (C, Z, E and Y) stayed with me until they hit year ten and then they got too cool. (With the exception of Y who now has joined the leadership team yay praise God!) We (I) thought that they were really solid and would see it through and then they just stopped coming. But I have a new group of year seven girls and they are really regular and a lovely brunch of girls that are really passionate about learning about God. It is my prayer that they still stick it out with Jesus!
- I think that 'the under lying tension in my group' may have had something to do with some one who is now no longer my friend. It was a really hard thing but she is now no longer in my life and I have moved on. My friends don't see each other much :( we are still good friends some of us have a book club and we meet once a month it's good to keep in touch with them :)
- Ah 'My drama teacher' OK so this was a huge deal at the time of writing but now is just silly drama that doesn't matter and has made me more aware of myself and the people around me. Things I learnt from this, people are very motivated but their own personal views, don't put yourself in compromising situations that may be misinterpreted but third parties and when you are attacked you find out who your true friends are.
- 'Ha!' That is all I have to say about this. This will defiantly be on the next list.
- 'better marks' see here. Hell Yeah!
- More time ha! Well yeah... I have less time now than I did then but I've found that I'm happier. I really love being busy and having things to do. I run on about 6 hour sleep a night but I'm loving life at the moment. :)
- Well this too, I think I poss had more money then as well but I scrape by.

Well looking over the last three year has been a very interesting exercise, I was and still m very materialistic, selfish and inward focused. Although I'm not to sure if what I want has changed all that much. With out any further ado. What I want now:

A macro lens, a wide angle lens, peace in the Ukrane, My laptop to have a longer battery life (currently typing on the icky macs at uni), a website for my photography, regonision for my photography/ people wanting to buy it, the time and energy to set up an etsy shop to sell my craft, to know what God wants me to do after uni, to meet new people/make new friends, to be more organised, to be more self motivated, to have regular sleep patterns and a body clock, to see my friends from school more, to have more patience, to have a better memory, to improve my photoshop skills, to be more bold about Jesus, to write more, to get something published (in any medium, pref photography), to travel, to do mission work over seas, to learn other language fluently, to open up about myself more, the missing plane to be found and the people to be alive, peace in Korea, for anything caffeinated not to run straight through my body, a distinction average, at least a 3.0 GPA, a better sense of direction, a better memory, to read more, to be better imformed about the world, to have more impormed political views, a better memory, a new phone (esp with a better camera), more comments on my blog Oh and did I mention a better memory?

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