Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Olympics.

A lot of things come to mind when that is said. Right? Sport, speed, strength, skill. When I think of the Olympics I think 'waste of money'.(Let me clarify: I am not anti the Olympics per sea, just the amount of money that is wasted on it.)
I think there is a lot to be said about the people who actually enter Olympics; their dedication and commitment etc. I admire them for their time and effort to get to the top of their particular field. Honestly though, I think that the Olympics is a waste of time and money. Every four years a different city have the 'privilege' of hosting the Olympic games, costing their country and their tax payers millions. (Although I understand that they can often make money off the Olympics as well, and it can provide many jobs and such, I think the difference is phenomenal.)

The whole opening ceremony  was a self glorifying waste of 27 million pounds! There's paying tribute to your country's success and then there's just ridiculousness. Surely that money could have been put elsewhere, eliminating world hunger, education, resources etc. Also the land for the stadiums could have been put to better use.

I understand that there are great things that come out of the Olympics. Unity, multiculturalism, cross cultural bariors are broken down, the world has witnessed countless displays of amazing sportsmanship and that in itself is a great thing.  However there must be a more cost effective way of doing this.

 It makes me put on my big cranky pants and stomp my feet that so much money is being wasted on glorifing sport.

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