Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Olympics.

A lot of things come to mind when that is said. Right? Sport, speed, strength, skill. When I think of the Olympics I think 'waste of money'.(Let me clarify: I am not anti the Olympics per sea, just the amount of money that is wasted on it.)
I think there is a lot to be said about the people who actually enter Olympics; their dedication and commitment etc. I admire them for their time and effort to get to the top of their particular field. Honestly though, I think that the Olympics is a waste of time and money. Every four years a different city have the 'privilege' of hosting the Olympic games, costing their country and their tax payers millions. (Although I understand that they can often make money off the Olympics as well, and it can provide many jobs and such, I think the difference is phenomenal.)

The whole opening ceremony  was a self glorifying waste of 27 million pounds! There's paying tribute to your country's success and then there's just ridiculousness. Surely that money could have been put elsewhere, eliminating world hunger, education, resources etc. Also the land for the stadiums could have been put to better use.

I understand that there are great things that come out of the Olympics. Unity, multiculturalism, cross cultural bariors are broken down, the world has witnessed countless displays of amazing sportsmanship and that in itself is a great thing.  However there must be a more cost effective way of doing this.

 It makes me put on my big cranky pants and stomp my feet that so much money is being wasted on glorifing sport.

Writting again.

I want to write a book, well anything really; an article, an essay. I am in a writing mood. I loved writing factual essays at school and I want to get back into it. I love the written word, language sentance structure, getting my point across, making my argument, I liked the reading, the reseach. I feel that I need to exercise my brain.
I want to start writing one essay/short story/ article a week.

I need ideas:
Bubbles The lost art of letter writing - Does how you were raised effect what kind of parent you will be?
- Free speech? Freedom of opinion?
- The production and sale of cigarettes should be made illegal.
- Censorship
- Imagine that you have the opportunity to travel back through time. At what point in history would you like to stop and why?

- Select a creative work -- a novel, a film, a poem, a musical piece, a painting or other work of art -- that has influenced the way you view the world and the way you view yourself. Discuss the work and its effect on you.
- Basic human rights/which are the most important.
- The lost art of letter-writing deserves to be revived.
- Butter Isn't Better (Than Margarine)
- Abortion Should be Banned
- If you could spend a year with any real or fictional person in the past, present, or future, whom would you choose? Why?
- If you had the gift of telepathy, the ability to read other people’s minds, would you use this gift or not? Explain.
- Should people with terminal illnesses have the right to doctor assisted suicides?
- Should stem cell researchers be able to use stem cells from aborted babies to cure diseases?
- Explain how your experiences as a teenager significantly differ from those of your friends. Include comparisons.
-  Name one book you have read in the past year, describe your reason for considering this book significant and what you gained from reading it.
 - Pick a story of local, national, or international importance from the front page of any newspaper. Identify your source and give the date the article appeared. Then use your sense of humor, sense of outrage, sense of justice—or just plain good sense—to explain why the story engages your attention.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Guidance and the Voice of God (my notes)

Chapter 2
* God guides according to a plan.
* God's word is a certain and reliable as the rain that waters the earth.
* There's a sense of historical necessity about what Jesus came to do. It was part of the grand design, it HAD to happen.
* God uses the inconceivable to achieve his purposes.
* God has a plan and he works sovereignly and irresistibly to achieve it.

Chapter 3
* Becoming like Christ is the ultimate good, but that does not mean that it is going to be easy. Becoming like Him means becoming acquainted with grief and suffering, yet remaining obedient until the end.
* To say that God works in everything for our good does not mean that He will remove all suffering from our path. It is through that pain and suffering that God will work his sovereign way to mould us into the shape of Jesus.
* Romans 8 reassures us that nothing in life can thwart God's plan to make us like Christ. The sufferings of this world are nothing compared to the glory that is to come. In the mean time nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.
* God works in everything - in pain, in pleasure, in success and in suffering - to achieve the goal of making us like Jesus.
* God works in all things, not just in some things. There is no limit to God's involvement in our lives.
*If God is sovereign in the way we have outlined, then it is impossible to be 'outside the will of God'. Even our bad decisions are used by God to accomplish his ends.
* We are saved wholly and completely by God, so we have nothing we can boast about. IT IS A GIFT.
* God's answer is: you are asking the wrong question. You are coming at it from the wrong angle altogether. You need to see things from my perspective if you want to live my way.
* We have seen that Gos does it all. He sets the destination, and he makes sure that we get there! "He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Phil 1:6

Chapter 4
* Repentance is about changing your direction. It mean far more than feeling sorry. (It is possiable to feel very sorry about something but still keep on doing it - that is not repentance. It is equally possible to have a complete change of mind and action about something without feeling very sorry at all.)
* True repentance should alter your whole life. Here is radical repentance - pronounce yourself dead and start living for Christ.
* The bible uses 'faith' simply to mean 'trust'.
* The right way to respond to God - repent and believe in the Lord Jesus. The continuing responce to Gos is the same as the initial one. Repentance is something that we do once - decisively - when we decide to become Christians; and yet is it also something we continue to do throughout our lives.
* We need to continue clothing ourselves in the character and behaviour that benefits our status as God's chosen people.
* Repentance is a continuing response to God.

Chapter 5
* Real repentance will show itself over time in a changed lifestyle. It involves turning away from our former way of life and leaving behind old patterns of sin. Real repentance can be seen in a desire to right the wrongs we have done and make restitution.
* Many people look on faith as a commodity something you had (or hadn't). It is a common mistake. Many people think that faith is an object in itself. Biblical faith is trusting in someone or something. Christians trust that Jesus did rise from the dead and live their lives based on that trust.
* In other words it is not our faith (trust) that is important. It is the object of our faith that matters.
*The object of the Christian faith is God himself. We are to trust Jesus as our saviour and mediator. We are to trust the words of God as true and powerful and active. We are to trust God's character and His attitude towards us. We are to trust his promises.
* This trust is based on knowledge, knowledge of all God is, what He's done and what he plans to do. 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Convertable dress


Awesome wrap thing