Saturday, March 3, 2012

My op shop dress

I love op-shopping. It's the best way to buy clothes. 
The excitement of finding something rare that you like, the joy of finding that it fits, even the disappointment when it doesn't. The knowledge that what you're buying is probably so "out of style" that there is basically no chance that anyone will own the same thing, much less be caught in the same place at the same time wearing it.
But best of all; the absolute cheapness of it all and you can feel good about yourself because the money goes to charity!

I have this simple grey dress that I brought op-shopping quite awhile ago now. I was thinking the other day about who else had worn this dress before me. Not in the gross ew someone wore this dress before me kind of way. (because that doesn't bother me at all, God gave us washing machines for a reason!)
I mean in the, I wonder what kind of adventures have been had in this dress, what had the girl that had been wearing it been feeling, thinking, doing? Was it her favorite dress, did she buy is over seas, did she throw it out because it got too small, did her grandmother buy it for her, did it sit at the back of the wardrobe for years because she never really liked it?

It is a weird thing to think that our clothes may some day tell the story of our lives. They can hold our memories. That black dress your wore to you grandmother's funeral, the short purple one you wore to a friends 18th the night you watched your friend cry in a bathroom stall, your comfy old jeans that fit just right even though they have so many holes you can't wear them out any more, the skirt you got at the market, the coat you got over seas.....
It is interesting to think back to what you may have been wearing at certain time in your life. Which clothes you own hold which memories? How interesting it would be if our clothes could recount the memories we had had in them?

We often put a lot thought in to the things that we wear, but we don't give our clothes a second thought once we take them off. (and usually, for me they just end up on the floor.)

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