Tuesday, August 13, 2013

21 things I've learned in 21 years

Of course I have learned many more than these but I thought this would be a fun way to summarize my 21 years on the planet.
1. God is totally and utterly in control of everything.
2. Crying is totally acceptable(and often necessary) and is not a sign of weakness 
3. Don't buy back packs from Kmart.
4. Procrastination is only a good idea at the time.
5. If it doesn't fit in the store, it's still not going to fit when you get home.
6. Good dental hygiene is important.
7. Never leave food in your car. Or in you room for that matter!
8. Forgiving people is very important, but so is forgetting and letting go of what they said and did.
9. There will always be too many books, and not enough time.
10. Wear what you want, what's comfortable, flattering and makes you feel confident. (not what's 'trendy')
11. It's OK to ask for help.
12. If you want to get to know people you have to let them know you as well.
13. Sing often!
14. Don't make decisions when you're angry, and don't make promises when you're happy. - Unknown.
15. Some people walk out of your life. It hurts but it's okay. 
16. Never ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER, and I mean ever, take the key out of your car when you're driving, or let any one else do it, even for cheap tricks. (Especially if your car has a steering lock, like most modern cars...)
17. Bad photos often have funny stories attached.
18. Never put your self in situation that could be misinterpreted by other people.
19. Don't let other people's opinions taint yours, no matter how close they are to you.
20. Some times you just have to laugh. Even if it's at your own stupidity.
21. You never stop learning :)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

This is for you: my friend

I have this friend, who shall remain nameless, other than to say that she desperately  wants to find my blog. So this is for her, dearest friend, thank-you for everything. For your years of friendship, for listening to me whinge about my relationship, reminding me of God's grace and love for me and for always being there for me. It has been a joy to be your friend and watch you grow in your relationship with God, especially over the last couple of years. I could go on but as I've mentioned in previous posts mushiness is not my style (as I'm sure you would have read if you'd found this post and stalked all my post by now) Side note: massive congrats on your recent big news and I'm so excited and honoured to be a part of that event.