Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Moving week

It has been a week of moving, and it's only Wednesday! Kaz moved out on Sunday :(. We had just taken the tarp off my car when it started bucketing! So there was a mad dash to unload in the middle of a thunderstorm. In the end only one drawer was broken (totally not my fault......)
And praise God a bed became available in the nursing home closer to where we live, for Nana! So we are moving today, (sitting in foyer now waiting for addmission).
I have been finding it very interesting how a person's entire  belongings can be packed up into a few (or more than a few!) boxes. All their personal possesions, mementos, paintings, awards, childhood memories, photos etc. All packed into a few boxes... It kind of sad actually.


And I MIGHT have moving news of my own soon....

Informed to Inform

Food for thought the events that are happening now in our generation; our grand children or perhaps children will learn about at school. Think about it your grandparents lived through two world wars, great depression etc all things we learn in history at school. The events of our generation will become the syllabus for the next generations history books. Do you need a better reason to be informed about current events? You can be a first hand source for future generations! I want to be able tosay to my kids "Yeah, I lived through that, I was there, ask me about it."

Friday, January 11, 2013

Better late than never

My Christmas present. Best boyfriend ever? I think so! :)