Friday, October 5, 2012

Quiet Time Notes

Genesis 16
- Sarai  can't have kids, give maid Hagar to Abram, Hagar bore Ishmeal.
- Angel "I will increase your descendants so they are too numerous to count."
Genesis 17
- "I am God almighty; walk before me and be blameless."
- God makes a covenant with Abram & changes name to 'Abraham'.
- Circumcision he sign of the covenant.
- Nothing is impossible with God, (Sarah bore at 90 years old).
Genesis 18
- Lord appered in three men?
- Is anything too hard for the LORD?
- We should give the best of ourselves to God
- All nations on earth to be blessed through Abraham.
- "Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord though I am nothing but dust and ashes."
- Sodom will be saved if 10 righteous people are found.
Genesis 19
- Lot fled to Zoar.
- Sodom and Gamorra destroyed.
- Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt, obey the Lord completely.
- Obey God fully.
- God is fair and just but mighty and powerful.
- Lot's daughters slept with him (EW!)
- Oldest had a son 'Moab' became the father of the Moabites.
- Younger daughter son 'Ben-Ammi' he became the father of the Ammorites.