Friday, April 20, 2012

Katherine Christian Convention

From the 3rd-7th of April I went to Katherine, Darwin, to help out on a mission trip, Katherine Christian Convention. Here are some photos, we also did quite a bit of sight seeing. It was an eye opening week-end.

Actors I Admire :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Father Daughter Camp

 From the 13th to the 16th of April, 7 daughters and 5 dads went to Stockingbingal for a week-end of camping, quading and awesome fun in God's creation! With a fire running around the clock, great food, deep chats and nights filled with marshmallows, singing and spotlighting (19 bunnies in one night!) it was a fantastic week-end.


Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Convention

I spent the Easter week-end at KEC (Katoomba Easter Convention), helping out with serving the morning tea. Despite it being a some what lonely week-end I had a good time delving into God's word. The talks were amazing, especially Johnny Gibson and there was a LOT of free time to reflect.
On the Saturday we went to arvo tea at Tim's house and we went down to Echo Point lookout. It was amazing to stand at the edge and look out on the valley. To see the vastness of God's creation all those valleys and trees the light and shadow. It make me think of a giants quilt, the rises and falls, the never ending green, like the ripples in a blanket. I even imagined that one of the rock formations was like the giant's feet sticking out at the bottom of the bed.
I over heard someone's conversation and they said "it's like an ants nest". It's so true though! There was  people everywhere, so many people and yet so small and insignificant by comparison to those mountains.It like how we are an ants nest in comparison to God. God's so big and awesome and we are tiny little ants.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Paper roses!

  I decided to do something with all the pages I cut out of my Hollow Book. So I made paper flowers using (and all credit goes to) this tutorial. Story Book Paper Roses.

Easter Chocolates

 Today I got given Lindt chocolates for Easter from one of the girls I teach :) and I got an Easter bunny yesterday. So blessed. :)

Hollow book (finished)

Monday, April 2, 2012

How to make a Hollow Book

If you're anti book desecration you might  not want to read this post. I am a book lover myself, I am a lover of hidden things and hiding things too and craftiness, plus this gave me an excuse to play with knives :D

You'll need an ordinary hard cover book. It works with soft 
covers but the over all effect looks better if it's a hard cover.

I Picked this up at a lifeline* $1 book sale.

Using a ruler and a craft knife/scalpel cut away the written bits.


I found it turns out better if you do it one page at time,
 so they are all in line other wise you get slippage from 
the book being open (causing the pages to no longer be
 in line.)

Glue all the pages together inside or outside inside looks
 better but either works.

There you have it! It's time consuming but the end result is worth it.
* Check these guys out they do seriously good work for suicide prevention. (and have awesome and cheap second hand book sales.)