Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Dear friend 2024

 To the bestest and most wonderful friend 

Happy world mental health day.

It's now been 8 years of this. Crazy!

I love you so very very much. It's been a wild year! Lots of big feelings and new emotions, new experiences and we have a whole new wonderful gorgeous person to teach about mental health. I love watching you be a dada. I'm so excited she gets to have you to be a wonderful example of all of the feelings and all of the emotions.

I love you very very much 

Love shell 

Monday, October 9, 2023

My dearest friend 2023

 Dear friend 

Today is world mental health day. I almost forgot to mark the date. It's been 7 years. Crazy! This year has been crazy, thank-you for everything you do. You're a wonderful human, the wonderfulest infact. I'm so grateful for you. Next year there will be a new friend to teach all the good mental health things to and how wonderful all the emotions are. I can't wait to watch you teach and example to them the way you have loving done me.

I love you so much

Love Shell 

Monday, October 10, 2022

Dear friend 2022

 Dear friend

 Unbelievably it's the 6th(!) anniversary of when you told me you had depression. This year has been frankly craptastic, just the hardest ever. I'm so thankful to you for all that you are and do. I love you more than words can express. Thanks for always being there. Thanks for always being real about emotions and especially for helping me with mine.

It's crazy to think about where we were 6 years ago! And how hard that time was. I'm so glad you got through it.

Congratulations on your book my beautiful talented wonderful humble friend. I'm so proud of you!



Sunday, October 10, 2021

Dear bestest friend 2021

 Dear friend,

It's that time again. 5 years since you told me you had been diagnosed with depression. 3 years of marriage and 106 days of lockdown later here we are. 

Happy world mental health day. There is no one I would rather be on this journey with. You are amazing, wonderful, sexy, all the good things. 

And here for the record - I promise we will always be best friends.



Friday, October 9, 2020

Dear friend 2020

Dear  friend
It's the 4 th anniversary of when you told me of your depression. Happy world mental health day. This year has been absolutely nuts, and mental health for both of us had been a struggle. 
I love you so very much. Thank you for always being there for me. You're patience and love are so wonderful and special to me. Know that I will always be there for you.
Love Wifey 

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Dearest friend 2019

To my Dearest and bestest friend,
It's that time again.
Happy(?) World mental health day
I love you so much. Although I am glad that your mental health has improved vastly over the last three years, I know that mental health is a journey/process. Know that I will always be there for you no matter where you're at, what you're thinking or feeling. I love you completely.
Love always

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Dear Friend 2018

To my most dear friend,
Two years have flown by! Who would have know how far we've come and how much you mean to me! Today marks the anniversary of when you told me you have depression.
I love you more than words can say! I'm so thankful for our powerful and gracious God who has brought us this far and continues to carry us forward.
Love always